Saturday, May 06, 2006

long weekend

My long weekend is winding down now. We had friday off and a really easy day on thursday. I am currently sitting in a PC Bang in DongIncheon after walking through China town. It was a nice walk. There is some good shopping here! but as I have no money I didnt indulge.

I am really here to get my camera fixed. I heard there was a sony repair centre in Incheon. So here I am. but nobody here knows anything about the place. So I am just about to hed off to Incheon Bus Teminal as there is a Sony shop there and hopefully they might just take my camera and fix it. Its got a well known and acknowledged problem with a CCD chip. I really am not sure what its about, but Sony know it and fix all of the defective units for free!

hopefully I will have camera and Ipod for next weekend.

Went to the Zoo Zoo Zoo on friday, with Elaine and her folks. its a great walk through the zoo, but the only thing I didnt like about it was the animals in cages. I dont think I like zoos. We saw the dolphin and seal show as well, it was cool. The animals seemed happy, and they looked as if they treat them well, but i guess I'll never know. Yesturday was nasty, rained all day! My windows still leak, its not good, it wet my bed and soaked the things that were on my window sill, which was nothing important really. right I'm off to the bus terminal to try again with the camera!

take care

send my emails and presents and stuff.


ps, if you want my phone number or address mail me, as i now know them both!


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