Thursday, April 13, 2006

All the best Brims and Celene

Things are a bit weird here. One of the guys living on the seventh floor has gone. He got a call about his grandma being sick and packed his things and left. I didn’t even get to say goodbye. It was pretty weird. Both his girlfriend and him left so it’s left a bit of a hole already. Both of them are already missed very much.

I had to get dressed up today because my boss was taking pictures of me and my classes. I asked what I should wear yesterday and he told me to be smart. Then he told me that the big boss was planning to get the foreign teachers on the side of a bus!!! Hahahahhahahah how funny would that be! Me on the side of a bus!!! Oh dear, but it does make me laugh… just the thought of it. But she seems pretty serious. I was told that if the shots were not good enough that a professional photographer would be asked to come in and take the photos again. We’ll have to see. I’ll try and get some of the photos of the kids from my supervisor so that you can all see them.

Last night of phone teaching tonight. Its gonna be a busy one, I only did about 15 last night. But I did all of my kindergarten on Tuesday and got most of the hard ones out of the way last night. I have half of two classes to get through and a couple of whole ones. But one of them is a class of 2, so that’s not bad. I hope to get fed again tonight. The dominoes last night was good! But the garlic sauce was not all that compared to the one you get in the UK.


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