Sunday, April 23, 2006


Another week begins on a good note. Today the kids were ok. One little boy was soooo sad when I told him that not every one would get 20 stickers. Pretty much everyone gets ten every lesson, but he wanted everyone to get 20 and was in tears cos I was only giving 20 to the kids who finished a it of work I gave the whole class.

Other than that the kids have been ok. Tomorrow there is a field trip to Bucheon to watch a film with the kids. Should be fun. It also means that I wont have to teach the kids in the morning. So tomorrow will be a Good day.

Had a good weekend as well. Had some beers in my place for Brian’s birthday and then went to Goose Goose. I then got lost on the streets and had to ask a bunch of people how to get back to the bar. All the streets seemed to look the same! Well I got back safely and all was good. Saturday was ‘Pot Luck’ for Angels leaving. Everyone brings a dish and we all eat together. I did a stir fry and some leaves with a bit of sauce, and potato wedges. Got a good feeding. That was during the Spurs vs Arse match, which somewhat annoyed me.

Then the rest of them went out and I joined them later. It was pretty good going out after everyone else, cos they were all drunk and hungover from the night before and I was stone cold sober! HA! They all went off to a NoreBang (Karaoke) and I went to bed, it was 2 in morning already!

Sunday I had planned to go, with however wanted to go, to COEX Mall, and I did, but no-one else did. So my first trip into Seoul was alone, but it was really nice, had a good walk around COEX, went to the Sony shop and the Apple Store, got some good news and got some news pending. Sony say I have CCD problem with my camera and they will fix it for free. Apple said that they will call me, but I am going to get my boss to call them instead cos there is a serious language barrier. COEX is massive! I got lost a few times. I was going to have a walk around the area but it began to rain so I made my way home. I only took one wrong train the whole journey! I was impressed!

Right have to go,



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