Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Guess What..??

Egg and snot.

Well I tried to take some photos to put on the blog, this morning, but guess what?? My camera is broken!!! I dunno whats going on, i think I am going to have to go back and live in a time with no technology and nothing to go wrong. But give me three weeks in that place and something will break anyway!!! I dont know whats wrong with the camera. It looks like the colours are running in the pictures adn its misaligned. Might have to try and find a shop adn try a new lens.

So that really sucks!!! I am going to have to get a disposable camera or simply use the four shot camera for everything!

Other than just about everything breaking things are going well! I bought a money plant, its really cute but could do with repotting as its too big for its current pot. Thats what i wanted to take a picture of.

Phone teaching was not as painful as I thought it would be, just a bit of a waste of time to be honest. Most of the older kids dont want you to call cos they cant be bothered. and the younger ones are not so good often because they are being distracted or are sleepy or something. I did have a great chat with one mother who didnt speak a word of English to me. We were both laughing at the fact that we had no idea what was being said to eachother, probably she was saying what I was saying... I dont understand you... I dont speak Korean (English)...

right I have to go home and get my watch.




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