Guess what??
I had another crazy good weekend... and anotherthing I am a little surprised at is that I am still alive!!! But we will come to that in a bit...
Friday night was a good laugh. went for a realy nice meal at a place we thought would be sum gip sal and Kalbi, but it wasnt exactly what we expected. Had a few beers and a generally chilled night out. Got a good nights sleep before I went the wedding of one of the Korean teachers that worked in my school before me. After having some picture taken with the bride, Elaine, Brian and myself went down stairs in the church to tuck into the buffet. After that we all went and sat down and waited for the service. It was a niceservice, although we couldn't undersand it! People were laughing, so it must ahve been good. The groom was in the army so some of his collegues made sword arches and the couple walked underneath them. But on the wayack they didnt let them pass. Then one of the soldiers shouted something, which was some kind of command and the coulpe had to do or say something. Most of it I didnt understand but everyone was watching and laughing and stuff. One thing I did understand is when the groom, fully suited had to drop and do 20 press ups.
Saturday night ended with a movie, cos sunday was the big day!

Up at 5.20am to get ready to go and get a bus to some place north of Seoul we got there in time to get the bus and we started on our voyage.
All of the people on the trip were teachers like me, and they were all really nice! So first stop was the BUNGEE JUMP!!! the pictures above are before shots, Brian, Gavin and Elaine. We all did the jump and th following are picture of us. But it really wasnt that simple!!! I didnt even think about it til it was my go. then the guy hooked me up. I was a just A BIT scared at this point! then when the guy said dont look down I obviously didnt listen. Stupid boy!!! So i am hooked up at the ledge almost soiling my underwear and the guy says "OK?" so naturally i say "NO!" so he says "OK??" I say "NO!!" he says "OK!!!!!!......5.....4.....3......2......1....." and on one I found myself jumping off the ledge. I did a bit of shouting and got to the bottom... "phew... I'm alive!!" I thought totally forgetting that a fatman on the end of a rubber band is likely to be thrown back into the air, upside down and round and round... So I did a little more screaming at this point.

But like I say I am alive and thankful for it!
Next stop lunch by the Eiffel Tower (!?)

Then we went to Chuncheon, or very nearby and did a bit of cycling to a place in the mountain where there is a waterfall and nice fresh air and greenery. It was so nice i didnt do any of the extra cycling that I planned to do I just sat with some of the people we met and Brian and Elaine. Heres some pictures, they pretty uch explain the rest.

I had another crazy good weekend... and anotherthing I am a little surprised at is that I am still alive!!! But we will come to that in a bit...
Friday night was a good laugh. went for a realy nice meal at a place we thought would be sum gip sal and Kalbi, but it wasnt exactly what we expected. Had a few beers and a generally chilled night out. Got a good nights sleep before I went the wedding of one of the Korean teachers that worked in my school before me. After having some picture taken with the bride, Elaine, Brian and myself went down stairs in the church to tuck into the buffet. After that we all went and sat down and waited for the service. It was a niceservice, although we couldn't undersand it! People were laughing, so it must ahve been good. The groom was in the army so some of his collegues made sword arches and the couple walked underneath them. But on the wayack they didnt let them pass. Then one of the soldiers shouted something, which was some kind of command and the coulpe had to do or say something. Most of it I didnt understand but everyone was watching and laughing and stuff. One thing I did understand is when the groom, fully suited had to drop and do 20 press ups.
Saturday night ended with a movie, cos sunday was the big day!

Up at 5.20am to get ready to go and get a bus to some place north of Seoul we got there in time to get the bus and we started on our voyage.

But like I say I am alive and thankful for it!
Next stop lunch by the Eiffel Tower (!?)

Then we went to Chuncheon, or very nearby and did a bit of cycling to a place in the mountain where there is a waterfall and nice fresh air and greenery. It was so nice i didnt do any of the extra cycling that I planned to do I just sat with some of the people we met and Brian and Elaine. Heres some pictures, they pretty uch explain the rest.

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