Back-dated blog: Oh! Pot My Luck Chicken!!!
Sunday 26th November
I don’t seem to fail to have good weekends! Friday night was a traditional Sum Gip dinner night with Brian. We went to Cheap Sum Gip and 5 portions between us. I’m lucky that you probably don’t know what I am talking about when I say ‘5 portions’ but I think it is possible to go there and be satisfied with a portion each, maybe 3 between two people. That went nicely with a couple of bottles of soju and some beers. After that I had a nice late evening with my girlfriend, but by this time I was so tired that I could hardly keep my eyes open.
Saturday came and so did Brian, at my door, "ten minutes ‘til kick-off!". Fresno State was playing. So we watched a stressful game of American Football, then got picked up to go and play badminton. The court was half way up a mountain, kind of open air, but it was enclosed in a massive sheet of plastic. It was so nice to play badminton again after so long, it was also nice to pick-up just where I left off; on the losing team! The mountain was so beautiful, if I go again I will take my camera, there is a temple of some sort, and nice views (of apartment blocks). My arm hurts now.
Saturday was Emily’s birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY! So we went out to Bupyeong for some beers. It was also Eimear’s leaving do. GOODBYE EIMEAR!!! Couldn’t go to Rio’s cos he’s getting his place renovated. I didn’t drink much cos I didn’t have any money, I risked it at the bank machine and lost. That same back machine has it in for me! First there was the ‘700,000 Won’ error, then there was the ‘1,000,000 Won’ error, oh don’t forget the ‘eating my card cos I put it in the wrong way’ error! Now I live by the ‘NO CHECKS’ code. In Korea you can get slips of paper from bank machines called ‘checks’. I think there are for large sums of money. I had to get one last night cos we were heading out at 11pm, and I can’t get cash out of the bank between the hours of 11pm and 6am (retarded). As I was saying I risked a check for 100,000 Won… and lost in my haste and the confusing machine I managed to get a 1,000,000 Won again! I guess thats one way of saving money!
Today we had a Thanks Giving meal. I like to call today Oh! Pot My Luck Chicken! Pot Luck is a nice way of getting everyone together. We all cook a dish and bring it to whoever’s puts up their room for it. There was meatball spaghetti, smoked turkey, stir-fry veg, chicken salad, chili con carne, mash potato and gravy, followed by crepes, fruit salad, Dunkin Donuts, and birthday cake. Email me, which one do you think I made? The Oh My Chicken in the title is cos Kelly, that star, brought a box of Oh My Chicken. So full… keep eating… more full… just starting to pig out… I feel like its Christmas Day… don’t make me lean over to get the food… just shovel it on my plate… ok I think I’m done… then again…
Now I’m gonna veg out in front of a film and concentrate on digestion.
Bye bye
Lots love
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