Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Blog drought

Well I must be the worst blogger in the world! I have been busy with the more mundane things the past few weeks, just saving a bit of money here and there, trying to eat out too much and just going to work. It’s not really that exciting, but I’m still having fun doing the regular stuff. Our little foreigner family seems to be getting along swimmingly for the mo.

Its phone teaching week, which means that my mood is a little down compared to normal. My list of names and numbers has increased and has risen to 70 students, which is depressing! And so just as I got into a good routine with the student I had, and it wasn’t taking up too much of my Thursday, I will definitely have to stay for a long while on Thursday :( On the other hand its pizza tonight, which is good as I am trying not to spend anything at all this week (until the weekend)!

Time to catch up with the news, laters.



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