Sunday, November 12, 2006

Blog back log!

here are a bunch of blogs that I wrote on the dates shown, sorry for the delay.

Thursday 2nd November

So Mark’s gone now. It was a busy weekend; I actually don’t remember what happened on Friday but Saturday was a really good day! We started off in a quiet bar in our town where we did a pub quiz made up by James. There were 17 people taking the quiz, so four teams drawn out of a hat. It was a little unfair when my team was picked as the only team with no Korean(s). Balance was tipped more in our favour when James announced the bonus round was about cockney rhyming slang! Of course… we won, which was nice as Mark was also on our team. Brian never loses quizzes even though he comes up with absolute gems sometimes…

What TV programme was Robert Downy Jr thrown off for his drug habit? ‘Its cocaine! Cocaine!’ Errrr Brian? That’s not a TV show.

Who will play Venom in the up coming Spiderman film? ‘Don’t say it too loud but its VENOM’ Brian… Venom isn’t a real person.

So I’m sitting at a PC babbling on cos its Mark’s PC I am taking care of it for him. So now I can bore you by babbling on at 9.30 a.m. sitting around in my underwear!

Its gonna be strange without mark. He is totally chilled and easy going. Good luck Mark, see you in Incheon 2014 for the Asian Games! Or I might just come to America.


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