Monday, October 09, 2006

Today i have to teach the litle kids that dont understand anything. Its pretty funny actually one of them just chases me aroiund the room and stabs me in the back with a pencil! Shes manic but shes cute and she reads when I say to her to read so thats ok.

I had a shitty day yesturday, after a week off any school day is bad but a monday at that! :(

I'm in a better mood today, maybe i wont ahve to shout so much! HA! my worse kindergarten class with the not so smart kids and the ones that need special help are starting to behave well *touch wood* and didnt make me angry at all yesturday! I'll undate my blog at some point in the future i have done quite a lot of stuff in the last week and simply want to curl up and sleep for the next 5 months.
Take it easy

lots love



Blogger Neil82 said...

hey yongy! loving the blog. think the photos are ace. good to see you doing so well (even though it sounds like jolly hard work). from one blogger -check my one out (exciting) - to another, keep up the good work. and put up some more photos, people love photos, well that and wrestling. loving UFC at the moment, saw ken shamrock fight someone at the weekend - class!

2:26 PM  

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