Sorry for the pictures and the text being disjointed but its difficult to get it perfect on the blogger thing, i think you get the idea.
So… I don’t remember my last blog so I might end up repeating myself.
Well there has been a lot of change since the change of owner at my school. But there have been a bunch of good things happening all over, even at school! Ok, where to start…
Meetings. Meetings suck!!! In two weeks I had four of them and one of them took up a whole Saturday. We discussed stuff that would have interested me if it were on another day, but take up another of my Saturdays and I realty am not in the mod for caring. The new teacher to replace Anita came as well, I felt sorry for her, she didn’t know any thing about the school ay this point. And get this… after the meeting on Saturday we had another meeting on Monday and one on Tuesday!

That Saturday with the meeting wasn’t too bad (not that I liked the meeting one little bit!), it was made so much better late that night. It had started to snow at about 8 and it didn’t stop for a long long time! So at about 11.30 Ryan banged on my door and shouted.’Idont care!!! Get dressed and get outside!’. In 2 hours about 3 inches of snow had fallen! It was so nice! We went out and had a little snow fight and made a snowman, we named it Damabremkrry after the people who made it.

It sparked some interest form the passing Koreans. It’s a bit different from Korean Snowmen. Korean ones are just two balls and the eyes are slitty and they have little snow hands, they’re very cute! The next day Damabremkrry was no more. A short life but a meaningful one.
We were supposed to go out and have a staff meal oin the Saturday but it got moved to Thursday, which is a shame cos brian couldn’t make it. We all went to a raw fish restaurant just down the road from the school. All of the staff, bus drivers, teaching staff, cleaners teachers the cook and so on. It is such a shame that I didn’t take my camera cos I ate some crazy stuff! It was great and alive! Baby octopus chopped and still moving. I have heard that people have actually died form eating the live octopus, because they are still alive the suckers still work and can suck to your throat if you don’t chew it properly. Then we went to the norebang.
Christmas at school was a whole bunch of fun. First I dressed up at santa claus at 9.30 in the morning whien I should have been in bed, ansd thrown into a room with a bunch of little kids screaming ‘DAVE TEACHER!! Dave teacher!’. One of them as so distraught that he was on the verge of tears!

So I did the teachery thing and made them sing songs and played some ‘What do you want for Christmas Pictionary’. It went pretty well. Come and get a gift from santa time. The school had previously asked the parents of the kids to bring gifts into school so each kids got something. Then we were told that we had to entertain the kids. I love this not being told anything until the very last minute. Great! Ok, who wants to do MORE colouring!
School Christmas was last Friday, 22nd December. Then on Saturday I had my birthday celebration. I like to call it; Oh My Birthday Party! First some chicken at Oh My Chicken, the best in town, then lemon drops at my place. It was pretty chilled, apart form the drunkenness, which was widespread and fun!

Christmas at home was really nice, I spent my day with my girlfriend, cooked a curry and went for a walk. It was a good day and I even got to watch a Bond film! Nami booked tickets through her phone about a week before. The ticket was actually and barcode on the phone that you just scan at the cinema and walk through! I think the new Bond film is good. It’s a bit like Batman Begins but more like Bond Begins. Then we had Shabu-Shabu at my local restaurant, after a failed attempt to eat at VIPS, there was a two hour wait for a table!

Now… I’m sitting at home waiting to receive a package from Mark, watching Matrix for the third time in the past two weeks on TV. There are so many films on all the time. They are often repeated but that’s ok. I also rejoined the gym today and plan to go lots!
Oh yeah I also bought myself a new camera for my birthday, lovely!
Thanks go out to all the great friends I have in Korea for making this Xmas and birthday a great time for me, and all the cool pressies I got!
Take it easy Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

These are some pictures i took when i first bought my camera.

This is a picture of Sum Gip Sal, its kinda bacon fryied on a hot plate with a bunch of garlic, mushrooms and stuff. you cook it yourself and you wrap it in letuce leaves to eat.

Check it out, I got a meat cleaver for Xmas!