Sunday, July 01, 2007

Having been accepted onto the MSc course that I applied for, the easy part is over! Now the real work begins. Going to university is defiantly not only about the academic work that that is evolved, but there is a whole lot more to it. I’ve already been through the process once and it was a great experience! The course I chose, although I would like to go back in time and change my UCAS form, was interesting and challenging and the people I met are simply unique. Along side all of this was the experience I earned by moving out of home and trying to sustain myself. It was all good fun and there were no worries, because it was all new and exciting, but this time there is something different about it all. Now I know what its all about I’m ten times more worried about it.

There are plenty of sites on the net that are helping me out in my search for a place to live. Rent, bills and deposit. Deposit and tuition fees will be a strain on my bank account! But it’s a bit early to be looking for a place to live. Most places seem to be advertised when available or are advertised a week or so before they are available. So I’ll have to be patient on that subject and work on the money situation in the mean time.

Once I have found a place I have to maintain an income of money. All I want is a bar job! Evenings weekends, I’d imagine there are plenty of jobs going in bars. On the other hand I’ve got very limited bar experience, but I can work in a kitchen. Anything that gives tips would be nice. But then again, if I could manage to get a job in the environmental sector that would be great! Chances seem to be slim though.

Then there is juggling studying and working. Because I am studying part-time; it should give me plenty of time to go to work and student independently. I got a pretty low 2:1 last time, so this time I will have to put in a little more effort. Although this time I want it more! With more time, effort and focus, I think I can do it.

Anyways, that’s worrying about the future; I should take some time to appreciate the quiet time I am spending at home with my mum, who is supporting me every step of the way. Its tough to do that, I should try harder.

Take it easy



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