Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Two days at work

Yesterday: This is rubbish I'm sitting at work with little to keep me occupied.
Not that it takes a lot to entertain me. Give me some typing, formatting
or even some photocopying would go down a treat, anything to keep me
awake! The place is quiet.

A real slacker just walked into the office. Nice distraction. I have a
suspicion he works for the 'Estates' department, but more often than
not he strolls in here with no business what-so-ever. Just comes in for
a chat; 'Oh I say!' (his favourite catchphrase).

It's an hour til lunch. That goes especially swiftly, as I have half
an hour kip after eating my gobsmackingly exciting lunch of muesli.

Time for a coffee!

On the contrary, today was manic. With at least three people from Admin off on holiday, there are only two of us handling all of the calls. This was the case yesterday, but today was different! Lots of calls, lots of jobs to do. I gotta relax!


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