Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Ch, Ch, Ch Changes!

Well the changes never stop happening around here it seems! Not only are five fresh faces expected to appear in the area, but we are to get a new Korean teacher as well! It seems that the longest serving member of my school is going to be leaving. I love the way that this is going to make a huge impact on the next couple of months when there are a whole bunch of things to get done, but nobody has told me officially! I also love the way that none of the kids are supposed to know that Elaine is leaving. Also there is a slight problem with the replacement for Elaine’s position and nobody has officially told us that either, we all seem to have to get our information second or third hand from the grapevine.

If that’s the way they want to run a school… but then again on the other hand all of the foreign teachers last a year or two maximum and have to leave so it’s not an abnormal thing to have people coming and going. I think it’s just that I haven’t seen it yet. Two of the teachers that are here now came only about a month before me so Elaine and Brian have seen both foreign and Korean English teachers come and go.

Phone teaching again tonight, and tomorrow, but for this month I don’t think I will have to roll over onto the third day! I have a lesson off this afternoon that the other teachers don’t so I can get a whole bunch of kids done and be really ahead of schedule. I’m pretty happy with that! And we get free food!

On that subject I am in serious training! I’ve been going to the gym as much as I can recently to get up to full fitness for the upcoming BIG EATING COMPETITION! We tried to hold it on Sunday, but the place we are eating at was closed for renovation. Watch this space for more information on that one! The competition food will be tacos, so please send me your prediction of how many I could eat. And don’t bother sending me any negative feedback about the amount I eat, I don’t need the negative vibes :)

Lots love



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