Monday, July 03, 2006


Oooooh... its been a tough couple of weeks.

Pretty homesick right now. Its been bad news day after day.

First off it was 'Open Class' when the parents come and watch me in the class room for only 10 minutes. But i have to come up wih some stuff to do with the kids. And my co-workers really didnt let me know what I should be doing. So i planned and it got a test run and my boss said it was crap, so i had two days to come up with, make materials for and practice with the kids. Last day of practice is tomorrow and the final run is going to be on wednesday then again on thursday. That had me in work til 9 on friday night. Then the world cup had me up til late on both friday and saturday.

It was a sad occaision. I was in Itewon where there are loads of foreigners. So I felt quite at home with a load of Brits. I wore my England shirt, and by the end of the night random people were coming up to me and hugging me cos of the result and the sour face that I obviously had on my face :(

that means I lose the sweepstake as well. I felt really bad after that game. But still every 5 minutes I thought about Open Class, so all sunday I was :(

Went to see Superman. OMG Korean cinemas are sooo loud! I was a little sensitive from the late nights and the number of Coronas I'd had during the football, but you really get a ringing in your ears!

Well... CZ is ready to go after about 15 minutes of waiting...



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