Right one more time!!!
OK.... Calm down.
After a long night of crappy broken sleep I woke up nad went to the gym at 8 a.m. A normal day at school. Lots of kids wearing red. I was a little irritable, having only had about 5 hours of good sleep and the rest tossing and turning in the heat and noise and light that is the Korean night time.
7.30 p.m... DING DONG! Schools out.
We thought that we'd go and get some food in a Itewon which sounds like a cool place, but we didnt in the nd cos a whole bunch of random things that happened and stuff that really isnt worth typing (again).
So, we ate local and chilled out at home cos we had decided that we'd try and meet Mark and Jason and some of the other guys in Guildong, Shinsegae area to watch the footy on the big screen in the square there, or maybe go to the Stadium, Munhak. Its pretty close to the place we were giong, but then we thought that it'd probably be a good idead to go there straight for the get-go. Went to the GS and got some The Hite (rubbish beer) and jumped a cab to get us there, got there adn there were hundreds of peolpe there, no thausands for sure! Well, check out the piccies!
So we got there and decided to go the football stadium rather than trying out the baseball stadium. We got there and it was really full already, but there was good space to be taken on he steps, which was just fine by us! The atmosphere was really great! Everyone was wearing red and chanting together. People really appriciate the position the football team got into! Unlike England where we got through but we still moan and in my mind rightly so!!
I got a complaint about the lack of me on my blog, so this is for you, Mum.I was in the middle of makign two differnt stupid faces and they cancelled out, mostly.
So we took our seats, Ryan, elaine and myself, and waited for the game. We got there in good time really, we got there at 1.15 a.m and the game kicked off at 4 a.m so there was a whole bunch of time to waste by chating, chanting and sipping on the beers we brought. After some cherleadig entertainment they eventually opened up the pitch so that they could fit more people in the stadium. It was pretty mental in there before the pitch invasion but after... wow... not bad at all!!!
Down at pitch level.
Heres Ryan and Me being cheerleaders, getting the guy with the drum to help out.
You can just about make out Elaine, the blonde in the middle.
Thats the chant. Ryan started it a few time, although I'm not sure he knows what it means. To be honest I dont! But you shout it and people love to see foreingers support their team. They are probably the best supporters in the world! What a bunch!
So... 3 hours or so to kill... chant a bit... go to the gents... sip some beer (The (s)Hite and have a chat...
Just before kick off I went for a walk to see what I could se. I ended up on the pitch. Which was pretty cool! On the way back I bumped into Sarah, Marks girlfriend. He was in the stadium, but couldnt contact us cos the network was too busy! So that was a stroke of luck.
The game kicked off at 4 a.m to a roar! the stadium was on fire with all the Red Devils! The Chanting was fierce and the support was as if will alone could win the game for the team who were thousands of miles away! They were loving it! We were loving it! Loads of fun, but it was morning and I was tired. I didnt fall asleep but I was flagging for sure!!! But with all the noise and commotion you cant sleep, it was pretty intense.

And Even when they went one behind the support didnt stop. It was as strong as it had been. Still chanting, it seemed like it was still 0-0! It was a shame that it had to happen like that. They simply couldnt find the net. So we thought we'd go home 20mins before the end of the game, but them they went 2-0 and 50% of the peolpe in the place had the same thought. So we left adn headed to a friend of Sarah who was waiting for us (for a long time) and kindly took us home.
7.30 a.m... breakfast time. I had done a full day awake, and felt it!!!

Heres me in the KimBap House just before tuckinh into Don Cass brekky.