Monday, March 27, 2006

Hello Dave-oo Teacher!!


This place is pretty mad… crazy Koreans… crazy ‘way-gooks’!!! everyone is crazy. I have been hearing stories and seeing things that I never really thought that I’d see. Having breakfast with a guy in his underwear and a guy with his top off, was only slightly unsettling. This morning I sent some sad emails out. Yeah sure. I was a little down, but I did have a really nice dream about home, where everything was normal and people were nice, and my mum was made up like a cat! But that was this morning. Its just like playing a sport, when teaching I seem to be so concentrated on keeping the class reasonably quiet and still (let alone trying to teach them) that I don’t really have time to think of anything but that!

It seems that I will be living for the weekend. I went to a bar called Goose Goose on Friday night and it was a lot of fun. Its like a bar nowhere in the world, cos there are people from everywhere. But I do admit that the ‘Mansu Crew’ are definitely the life of the place. It seems to be a close knit group and very accepting of no0bs like me. But I am not the no0b anymore! There is a NZ guy and Canadian girl who teaching in the area and are living in the building.

You will laugh to hear that I played a game of basket ball on Sunday with some Koreans! The first time I had touched a basket ball in about 10 years! I was lame although my first shot went straight in… all of the others were a little wayward! But I think I can get into that game, as long as my throat doesn’t hurt next time. I am pretty unfit! On that subject it seems like most of the guys and girls here put on weight within a month of arriving. I have a feeling its to do with the amount of eating out these guys do, but then again I cant blame them when the food out there is so great! I have now had Shabu shabu (a bit like a steamboat but spicy), sushi, errrr and a whole bunch of other things… YAN!!!! I have to tell you there is a soup called Buddae Jiggae, which means Army Base soup or something, and its made with frankfurters of some sort!!! Calbi… I drool at the thought! It’s really nicely marinated beef which arrives raw and you cook on a hot plate in the table, you eat it wrapped in lettuce and with a bunch of other bits and bobs! I wish you were here to try it…

I am teaching the kids Maths (or Math, whatever) today, its great I don’t even have to read the books, it like: How many animals?

The picture showed an alligator, two ducks and 6 dragonflies, so Chris… the star pupil shouts out: 3!!! Dragonflies aren’t animals!!!

He a cool kid, but he keeps casting a stupid spell on me from Harry Potter!

Take it easy all



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